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4845 BX 61 LLR AD E40D SFD4DSBRFBGX36345 AD B413/16 H45/32F
New to Perry Barr garage 12/11
transferred to Birmingham Central 6/24

Walsall garage
rd November 2023
Perry Barr
17th April 2018
Cummins, Wellingborough
8th June 2017
Perry Barr
13th May 2017
Newtown Row. Birmingham
15th July 2016
Corporation Street, Birmingham
13th May 2016
Old Square, Birmingham
5th May 2012
The Priory Queensway, Birmingham
18th Janaury 2012
Newtown Row, Birmingham
28th December 2011
Walsall garage
10th December 2011

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